Electrify Bouddi


Electrify Bouddi FAQs

Electrify Bouddi is a not-for-profit community association dedicated to advancing climate action through adapting our energy use and supply to renewable resources in the Killcare, Killcare Heights, Hardy’s Bay, Pretty Beach and Wagstaffe areas.

Electrify Bouddi is a not-for-profit community association for Bouddi residents and local businesses who want to reduce their climate impact, build climate resilience and save money on energy.

We generate and share information, knowledge and guidance to develop individual and community-level energy solutions. We seek to address the challenges of navigating multiple sources of information and the limitations of acting individually or passively waiting for governments to act. We collate and filter information, build a network of engaged community members and offer inspiration and opportunities to take positive action.

The organisers are a mixed bunch of local residents, with varied experience and skills, who are learning as we go along. The names of the current Steering Committee are shown here.

Electrification is our nickname for the decarbonisation of our community energy use. Traditionally, our society has been dependent on fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil for the production of electricity, which produces enormous amounts of carbon. Switching to electricity from renewable sources, together with adequate storage and higher levels of energy efficiency appears the best option for meeting our future energy needs. 

The word ‘Bouddi’ is the local First Nations name for the area that includes the suburbs of Killcare, Killcare Heights, Hardy’s Bay, Pretty Beach, Wagstaffe and Macmasters Beach. It has various meanings in Aboriginal language; however, it’s most common translation is ‘heart’. 

Electrify Bouddi is an Incorporated Association run by its members. It is managed by a Steering Committee that is elected by the members.

Our members collaborate to form Working Groups which focus on particular topics of interest. There are currently three Working Groups that mirror our main priorities, but these may be added to in the future as Electrify Bouddi evolves.

Electrify Bouddi is run by and on behalf of its membership. Being a member means that you have access to information, resources and peers whose interests are invested in the future of our community energy needs.

You also have a say in decision making when we move beyond research and into developing and sharing resources.

There is no fee associated with becoming a member and membership is open to everyone, whatever their age.

For more detailed information on rules governing Electrify Bouddi, please see our constitution here.

We live in a well-resourced, innovative and connected community, inspired to protect the unique nature around us. 

Electrify Bouddi offers an opportunity to demonstrate how protecting this environment and our community can be achieved by working together in partnership with government and industry. 

This includes contributing to Australia’s overall efforts to reach our target of reducing emissions by 43 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050. 

We can turn the climate change challenge into an opportunity for our community to grow stronger together and connect with like-minded communities across Australia. We can build a community facilitated process that supports other critical responses to wide-ranging environmental challenges. 

The potential to unlock lower costs results from the combination of (a) switching to the most efficient appliances and lighting, (b) maximising the generation of cheaper renewable energy supply options and (c) shifting electricity demand to times when there is less pressure on the supply network. This is easier to achieve in a small community like ours with willing inhabitants.

We are fortunate to have so many large trees in the area but the downside is that many roofs are too shady for solar panels. However, we are actively looking at options so that those with excess solar energy can trade with those with none.

Renewable energy supplies from the sun and wind often exceed demand, so a battery enables the excess energy to be stored and then released a time when it is needed most.  In this way we can make the most of these renewable energy resources.

A community battery provides electricity to multiple households, storing excess solar power when it is not needed and then feeding the electricity back to our households when we need it. It is usually cheaper to buy a single large battery than the equivalent capacity of smaller household batteries. Through sharing one battery amongst many households the system is more efficient and cost effective.

Yes there are already Federal and State Government supported pilots and projects successfully working around Australia, with more under development. 

Take a look at the following examples: 

If you would like to learn more, please visit our working groups:
Awareness & Knowledge Sharing 
Electrify Our Community
Electrify Your Home

Photo Mark Gable
Photo Mark Gable


We will develop our range of resources for the local community, including information on typical household energy consumption, energy saving tips and where to get grants for renewable energy projects.  

In the meantime, you may find the following links provide useful information on a wide range of relevant topics.